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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe — Иоганн Вольфганг фон Гете. Текст на английском языке + аудио
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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a famous German writer and philosopher who lived in the 18th and 19th centuries. He was born on August 28, 1749, in Frankfurt, Germany. Goethe is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in German literature. Читайте также: 3000 основных английских слов + все времена глагола. Goethe wrote many famous works, including the novel “The Sorrows of Young Werther” and the epic drama “Faust.” These writings explore themes of love, passion, and the search for meaning in life. Goethe’s writing style was expressive and emotional, and his works often touched the hearts of readers. Goethe was also interested in science. He studied botany and geology and made significant contributions to these fields. Goethe’s interest in science and literature allowed him to see the world from different perspectives. Throughout his life, Goethe held various positions in the government and served as a minister in the court of Weimar. He was a well-respected figure in society and had a profound influence on German culture. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s contributions to literature and science have made him an important figure in German history. His works continue to be studied and appreciated by people around the world. |
Текст на английском языке с переводом. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe — Иоганн Вольфганг фон Гете
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Текст на английском | Перевод |
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a famous German writer and philosopher who lived in the 18th and 19th centuries. | Иоганн Вольфганг фон Гете – знаменитый немецкий писатель и философ, живший в XVIII и XIX веках. |
He was born on August 28, 1749, in Frankfurt, Germany. | Он родился 28 августа 1749 года во Франкфурте-на-Майне (Германия). |
Goethe is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in German literature. | Гете считается одной из самых значительных фигур в немецкой литературе. |
Goethe wrote many famous works, including the novel “The Sorrows of Young Werther” and the epic drama “Faust.” | Гете написал множество известных произведений, в том числе роман “”Страдания юного Вертера”” и эпическую драму “Фауст”. |
These writings explore themes of love, passion, and the search for meaning in life. | В этих произведениях раскрываются темы любви, страсти и поиска смысла жизни. |
Goethe’s writing style was expressive and emotional, and his works often touched the hearts of readers. | Стиль письма Гете был экспрессивным и эмоциональным, и его произведения часто трогали сердца читателей. |
Goethe was also interested in science. | Гете также интересовался наукой. |
He studied botany and geology and made significant contributions to these fields. | Он изучал ботанику и геологию и внес значительный вклад в развитие этих областей. |
Goethe’s interest in science and literature allowed him to see the world from different perspectives. | Интерес к науке и литературе позволил Гете взглянуть на мир с разных точек зрения. |
Throughout his life, Goethe held various positions in the government and served as a minister in the court of Weimar. | На протяжении всей своей жизни Гете занимал различные посты в правительстве и служил министром при Веймарском дворе. |
He was a well-respected figure in society and had a profound influence on German culture. | Он пользовался большим уважением в обществе и оказал глубокое влияние на немецкую культуру. |
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s contributions to literature and science have made him an important figure in German history. | Вклад Иоганна Вольфганга фон Гете в литературу и науку сделал его важной фигурой в истории Германии. |
His works continue to be studied and appreciated by people around the world. | Его произведения продолжают изучать и ценить люди во всем мире. |
Полезные слова:
- famous writer – знаменитый писатель.
- to be regarded as smb – считаться кем-либо.
- novel – роман.
- search for meaning in life – поиск смысла жизни.
- writing style – стиль письма, писательский стиль.
- to touch the hearts of smb – тронуть чьи-то сердца.
- significant contribution – значительный вклад.
- to allow smb to see smt – позволять кому-либо взглянуть на что-либо.
- different perspectives – разные точки зрения.
- to hold positions – занимать должности.
- to serve as smb – служить кем-либо.
- to be well-respected figure – пользоваться большим уважением.
- profound influence – глубокое влияние.
- to be appreciated by smb – быть оцененным кем-либо.