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Sandra Bullock — Сандра Баллок. Текст на английском языке + аудио
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Sandra Bullock Sandra Bullock is an American actress, producer, and philanthropist. She is known for her roles in a number of successful movies, including “Miss Congeniality,” “The Blind Side,” “Gravity,” and “Ocean’s Eight.” Bullock began her acting career in the late 1980s, and she quickly gained recognition for her performances in movies like “Love Potion No. 9” and “Speed.” She has since become one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, and she has received numerous awards for her work in film and television. Читайте также: In addition to her acting career, Bullock is also known for her charitable work and her involvement in a number of philanthropic causes. She has supported a number of charities and organizations over the years, including the Red Cross, the World Food Programme, and the American Red Cross. Bullock has also been involved in disaster relief efforts, including donating $1 million to the Red Cross in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Bullock has received numerous accolades for her work in film and television. She has won two Academy Awards, a Golden Globe, and several other awards for her performances. She has also been recognized for her charitable work, and she has received a number of awards and honors for her contributions to various causes. Bullock is widely respected and admired for her acting skills, her charitable efforts, and her dedication to her craft. |
Текст на английском языке с переводом. Sandra Bullock — Сандра Баллок
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Текст на английском | Перевод |
Sandra Bullock is an American actress, producer, and philanthropist. | Сандра Баллок – американская актриса, продюсер и филантроп. |
She is known for her roles in a number of successful movies, including “Miss Congeniality,” “The Blind Side,” “Gravity,” and “Ocean’s Eight.” | Она известна своими ролями в ряде успешных фильмов, включая “Мисс Конгениальность”, “Слепая сторона”, “Гравитация” и “Восемь Оушена”. |
Bullock began her acting career in the late 1980s, and she quickly gained recognition for her performances in movies like “Love Potion No. 9” and “Speed.” | Баллок начала свою актерскую карьеру в конце 1980-х годов и быстро получила признание за свои роли в таких фильмах, как “Приворотное зелье № 9” и “Скорость”. |
She has since become one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, and she has received numerous awards for her work in film and television. | С тех пор она стала одной из самых высокооплачиваемых актрис Голливуда и получила множество наград за свою работу в кино и на телевидении. |
In addition to her acting career, Bullock is also known for her charitable work and her involvement in a number of philanthropic causes. | Помимо актерской карьеры, Баллок известна своей благотворительной деятельностью и участием в ряде филантропических проектов. |
She has supported a number of charities and organizations over the years, including the Red Cross, the World Food Programme, and the American Red Cross. | На протяжении многих лет она поддерживала ряд благотворительных организаций, включая Красный Крест, Всемирную продовольственную программу и Американский Красный Крест. |
Bullock has also been involved in disaster relief efforts, including donating $1 million to the Red Cross in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. | Баллок также принимала участие в оказании помощи пострадавшим от стихийных бедствий, в том числе пожертвовала 1 миллион долларов Красному Кресту после урагана “Катрина”. |
Bullock has received numerous accolades for her work in film and television. | Баллок получила множество наград за свою работу в кино и на телевидении. |
She has won two Academy Awards, a Golden Globe, and several other awards for her performances. | Она получила две премии “Оскар”, “Золотой глобус” и несколько других наград за свои выступления. |
She has also been recognized for her charitable work, and she has received a number of awards and honors for her contributions to various causes. | Она также была признана за свою благотворительную деятельность и получила ряд наград и почетных званий за вклад в различные дела. |
Bullock is widely respected and admired for her acting skills, her charitable efforts, and her dedication to her craft. | Баллок пользуется всеобщим уважением и восхищением за ее актерское мастерство, благотворительную деятельность и преданность своему ремеслу. |
Полезные слова:
- actress – актриса.
- producer – продюсер.
- philanthropist – филантроп.
- to be known for smt – быть известным чем-то.
- a number of smt – ряд чего-то.
- to gain recognition – получить признание.
- numerous awards – множество наград.
- charitable work – благотворительная деятельность.
- involvement in smt – участие в чем-то.
- disaster – стихийное бедствие.
- the aftermath of smt – последствие чего-то.
- Golden Globe – Золотой глобус.
- to be recognized for smt – быть признанным за что-то.
- dedication to smt – преданность чему-то.
- craft – ремесло.