Emma Roberts — Эмма Робертс. Текст на английском языке с переводом и аудио

эмма робертс текст на английском с переводом и аудио

На этой странице вы найдете текст на английском языке про Эмму Робертс (Emma Roberts). В нем рассказывается о ее жизни и деятельности. Текст представлен на английском языке с переводом, аудио и списком полезных слов и выражений.

Emma Roberts — Эмма Робертс. Текст на английском языке + аудио

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Emma Roberts

Emma Roberts is an American actress and singer. She is known for her roles in a number of successful movies and television shows, including «Aquamarine,» «Nancy Drew,» «Scream Queens,» and «American Horror Story.» Roberts began her acting career in the early 2000s, and she quickly gained recognition for her performances in movies like «Blow» and «Aquamarine.» She has since become one of the most successful and sought-after actresses in Hollywood, and she has received numerous awards for her work in film and television.

In addition to her acting career, Roberts is also known for her singing ability. She has released several albums of her own and has performed in a number of musical productions. She has also been involved in a number of fashion campaigns and has launched her own fashion line.

Outside of her professional pursuits, Roberts is known for her philanthropic work and her involvement in a number of charitable causes. She has supported organizations such as Stand Up to Cancer, the ASPCA, and the Children’s Defense Fund, and she has been recognized for her efforts to make a positive impact in the world.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. Emma Roberts — Эмма Робертс

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Текст на английском Перевод
Emma Roberts is an American actress and singer. Эмма Робертс — американская актриса и певица.
She is known for her roles in a number of successful movies and television shows, including «Aquamarine,» «Nancy Drew,» «Scream Queens,» and «American Horror Story.» Она известна своими ролями в ряде успешных фильмов и телешоу, включая «Аквамарин», «Нэнси Дрю», «Королевы крика» и «Американская история ужасов».
Roberts began her acting career in the early 2000s, and she quickly gained recognition for her performances in movies like «Blow» and «Aquamarine.» Робертс начала свою актерскую карьеру в начале 2000-х годов и быстро получила признание за свои роли в таких фильмах, как «Удар» и «Аквамарин».
She has since become one of the most successful and sought-after actresses in Hollywood, and she has received numerous awards for her work in film and television. С тех пор она стала одной из самых успешных и востребованных актрис Голливуда и получила множество наград за свою работу в кино и на телевидении.
In addition to her acting career, Roberts is also known for her singing ability. Помимо актерской карьеры, Робертс также известна своими способностями к пению.
She has released several albums of her own and has performed in a number of musical productions. Она выпустила несколько собственных альбомов и участвовала во многих музыкальных постановках.
She has also been involved in a number of fashion campaigns and has launched her own fashion line. Она также участвовала в ряде модных кампаний и запустила собственную линию одежды.
Outside of her professional pursuits, Roberts is known for her philanthropic work and her involvement in a number of charitable causes. Вне профессиональных занятий Робертс известна своей филантропической деятельностью и участием в ряде благотворительных проектов.
She has supported organizations such as Stand Up to Cancer, the ASPCA, and the Children’s Defense Fund, and she has been recognized for her efforts to make a positive impact in the world. Она поддерживала такие организации, как Stand Up to Cancer, ASPCA и Children’s Defense Fund, и получила признание за свои усилия по оказанию положительного влияния на мир.

Полезные слова:

  • actress – актриса.
  • singer – певица.
  • horror story – история ужасов.
  • to begin one’s career – начать свою карьеру.
  • sought-after actress – востребованная актриса.
  • awards – награды.
  • singing ability – способности к пению.
  • musical productions – музыкальные постановки.
  • fashion – мода.
  • fashion line – линия одежды.
  • cancer – рак.
  • efforts to do smt – усилия сделать что-то.
  • to make a positive impact in the world – оказывать положительное влияние на мир.


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