Charles Darwin — Чарльз Дарвин. Текст на английском языке с переводом и аудио

Чарльз Дарвин Текст на английском языке

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Charles Darwin — Чарльз Дарвин. Текст на английском языке + аудио

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Charles Darwin 

Charles Darwin was a British naturalist and scientist who is best known for his theory of evolution by natural selection. Born in 1809, Darwin was fascinated by the natural world from a young age, and his curiosity and passion for science eventually led him to enroll in medical school at the University of Edinburgh.

However, Darwin soon realized that he was more interested in studying the natural world than practicing medicine, and he eventually dropped out of school to pursue his true passion.

In 1831, Darwin was given the opportunity to join an expedition on the HMS Beagle, a journey that would change the course of his life and the way we think about the world. During the voyage, Darwin collected specimens and observations from various locations around the world, including the Galapagos Islands, where he observed the diverse species of finches that would later become a key part of his theory of evolution.

Upon his return to England, Darwin spent many years studying and analyzing the data he had collected, and in 1859 he published a book called “On the Origin of Species” that outlined his theory of evolution by natural selection. The book, which was revolutionary at the time, argued that species evolve and adapt over time through the process of natural selection, in which those individuals with beneficial traits are more likely to survive and reproduce.

Charles Darwin’s work has had a lasting impact on the scientific community and the way we think about the natural world. His theory of evolution by natural selection has become a cornerstone of modern biology, and his contributions to the field of science continue to be studied and celebrated today.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. Charles Darwin — Чарльз Дарвин

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Charles Darwin was a British naturalist and scientist who is best known for his theory of evolution by natural selection. Чарльз Дарвин был британским натуралистом и ученым, наиболее известным благодаря своей эволюционной теории естественного отбора.
Born in 1809, Darwin was fascinated by the natural world from a young age, and his curiosity and passion for science eventually led him to enroll in medical school at the University of Edinburgh. Дарвин родился в 1809 году и с раннего возраста был влюблен в мир природы, а его любопытство и страсть к науке привели к тому, что он поступил на медицинский факультет Эдинбургского университета.
However, Darwin soon realized that he was more interested in studying the natural world than practicing medicine, and he eventually dropped out of school to pursue his true passion. Однако вскоре Дарвин понял, что ему интереснее изучать мир природы, чем заниматься медициной, и в конце концов бросил учебу, чтобы заняться своим истинным увлечением.
In 1831, Darwin was given the opportunity to join an expedition on the HMS Beagle, a journey that would change the course of his life and the way we think about the world. В 1831 году Дарвин получил возможность присоединиться к экспедиции на корабле “Бигль”, путешествие, которое изменило ход его жизни и наше представление о мире.
During the voyage, Darwin collected specimens and observations from various locations around the world, including the Galapagos Islands, where he observed the diverse species of finches that would later become a key part of his theory of evolution. Во время плавания Дарвин собирал образцы и вел наблюдения в разных уголках мира, в том числе на Галапагосских островах, где он наблюдал за разнообразными видами вьюрков, которые впоследствии стали ключевой частью его теории эволюции.
Upon his return to England, Darwin spent many years studying and analyzing the data he had collected, and in 1859 he published a book called “On the Origin of Species” that outlined his theory of evolution by natural selection. По возвращении в Англию Дарвин провел много лет, изучая и анализируя собранные им данные, и в 1859 году опубликовал книгу “О происхождении видов”, в которой изложил свою эволюционную теорию естественного отбора.
The book, which was revolutionary at the time, argued that species evolve and adapt over time through the process of natural selection, in which those individuals with beneficial traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. В книге, которая в то время была революционной, утверждалось, что виды развиваются и адаптируются со временем благодаря процессу естественного отбора, в ходе которого особи с полезными признаками имеют больше шансов выжить и размножиться.
Charles Darwin’s work has had a lasting impact on the scientific community and the way we think about the natural world. Работа Чарльза Дарвина оказала долгосрочное влияние на научное сообщество и на то, как мы думаем о мире природы.
His theory of evolution by natural selection has become a cornerstone of modern biology, and his contributions to the field of science continue to be studied and celebrated today. Его теория эволюции путем естественного отбора стала краеугольным камнем современной биологии, а его вклад в науку продолжают изучать и подчеркивать и по сей день.

Полезные слова:

  • naturalist – натуралист.
  • natural selection – естественный отбор.
  • to be fascinated by smt – быть очарованным чем-то, влюбленным во что-то, в восторге от чего-то.
  • curiosity – любопытство.
  • to enroll – поступить.
  • to drop out of smt – бросить что-то (об учебном заведении)
  • the course of one’s life – ход жизни.
  • specimen – образец, особь.
  • around the world – вокруг света.
  • finch – зяблик.
  • to outline smt – обрисовать что-то.
  • beneficial – полезный.
  • lasting impact – длительное воздействие.
  • cornerstone – краеугольный камень.


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