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Alexander the Great — Александр Македонский. Текст на английском языке + аудио
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Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was a famous ancient leader who lived more than 2,000 years ago. He was born in 356 BC in the region of Macedonia, which is now a part of Greece. Alexander became one of the most renowned military commanders in history, and his conquests had a significant impact on the world. Читайте также: Alexander was the son of King Philip II of Macedonia. He received a high-quality education from the philosopher Aristotle, who taught him about many subjects, including science, literature, and philosophy. When Alexander became king at the age of 20, he embarked on a series of military campaigns to expand his empire. His armies conquered many lands, including Persia, Egypt, and parts of India. Alexander’s military strategies were innovative, and he led his soldiers into battle with courage and determination. Alexander’s empire extended over a vast area, and his conquests helped spread Greek culture throughout the lands he conquered. He encouraged the blending of Greek and local cultures, creating a rich cultural exchange known as Hellenism. Alexander the Great was a remarkable leader who achieved great success through his military campaigns. His legacy as a conqueror and his efforts to promote cultural exchange continue to influence the world today. Alexander’s achievements make him one of the most significant figures in ancient history. |
Текст на английском языке с переводом. Alexander the Great — Александр Македонский (Великий)
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Текст на английском | Перевод |
Alexander the Great was a famous ancient leader who lived more than 2,000 years ago. | Александр Македонский – знаменитый древний полководец, живший более 2000 лет назад. |
He was born in 356 BC in the region of Macedonia, which is now a part of Greece. | Он родился в 356 году до н.э. в области Македония, которая сейчас входит в состав Греции. |
Alexander became one of the most renowned military commanders in history, and his conquests had a significant impact on the world. | Александр стал одним из самых известных полководцев в истории, а его завоевания оказали значительное влияние на весь мир. |
Alexander was the son of King Philip II of Macedonia. | Александр был сыном македонского царя Филиппа II. |
He received a high-quality education from the philosopher Aristotle, who taught him about many subjects, including science, literature, and philosophy. | Он получил высококачественное образование у философа Аристотеля, который обучал его многим предметам, включая науку, литературу и философию. |
When Alexander became king at the age of 20, he embarked on a series of military campaigns to expand his empire. | Став царем в возрасте 20 лет, Александр начал серию военных походов с целью расширения своей империи. |
His armies conquered many lands, including Persia, Egypt, and parts of India. | Его армии завоевали многие земли, в том числе Персию, Египет и часть Индии. |
Alexander’s military strategies were innovative, and he led his soldiers into battle with courage and determination. | Военные стратегии Александра были новаторскими, и он вел своих солдат в бой смело и решительно. |
Alexander’s empire extended over a vast area, and his conquests helped spread Greek culture throughout the lands he conquered. | Империя Александра простиралась на огромную территорию, а его завоевания способствовали распространению греческой культуры на завоеванных землях. |
He encouraged the blending of Greek and local cultures, creating a rich cultural exchange known as Hellenism. | Он способствовал смешению греческой и местных культур, что привело к богатому культурному обмену, известному как эллинизм. |
Alexander the Great was a remarkable leader who achieved great success through his military campaigns. | Александр Македонский был выдающимся лидером, добившимся больших успехов в военных походах. |
His legacy as a conqueror and his efforts to promote cultural exchange continue to influence the world today. | Его наследие как завоевателя и его усилия по развитию культурного обмена продолжают оказывать влияние на мир и сегодня. |
Alexander’s achievements make him one of the most significant figures in ancient history. | Достижения Александра Македонского делают его одной из самых значительных фигур в древней истории. |
Полезные слова:
- ancient leader – древний лидер.
- to be part of smt – входить в состав чего-либо, быть частью чего-либо.
- military commander – полководец.
- conquests – завоевания.
- high-quality education – высококачественное образование.
- military campaigns – военные походы.
- to expand smt – с целью расширения чего-либо, расширять что-либо.
- lands – земли.
- to lead smb into smt – вести кого-либо куда-либо.
- determination – решительность.
- to extend over an area – простираться на территории.
- cultural exchange – культурный обмен.
- legacy – наследие.
- achievements – достижения.
- significant figure – значительная фигура.